ECCA News Items

2024 A.G.M. - Sunday 13th October

The Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Cycling Association took place at the Chelmer CC HQ, Meteor Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2RL, starting at 2.30 pm.

The Rules changed at the AGM can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link Current Rules.

The following positions on the Executive Committee are still required to be filled
Track Secretary
Equipment Secretary
2 Members elected from delegates

Many of the races are in need of an organiser and volunteers for any of the events will be most welcome.

All ECCA Clubs are entitled to four delegates and it is desirable that as many clubs as possible are represented.

The Agenda and Reports can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link Agenda.

The Minutes of the previous AGM and the Rules can be seen by downloading a PDF file via these links Minutes. Existing Rules.


With the majority of the 2023 Trophy Winners present everyone was able to applaud the winners and enjoy a relaxed informal time with a plentiful supply of refreshements. All of the time trial trophies were on display, including those for events that weren't held in 2023, and they certainly made a very impressive sight. Some of the trophies go back nearly 90 years and include a lot of names of very successful riders in past years. Many of the current riders present seem to spend time planning on what trophies they hope to win in 2024. Those winners that weren't able to be present at the Presentation will receive their trophies at either of the two March time trials and medals will also be available for collection.

In addition to presenting the trophies the Committee was also able to extend its appreciation to two long standing officials of the Association who both announced their retirement in 2023. CTT Certificates of Honour and engraved Glass Tankards were presented to Peter Beresford and John Cottee in recognition of all they have done for the Association, CTT and cycling in general.


This fund exists to help riders of all ages but especially the younger generation who would like some financial assistance towards the expenses of a particular project. As long as it is cycling based the project can be for any aspect of the sport.

Some examples include donations to Maldon & District CC Youth Team competing in the Certini 2-day stage race in Devon in 2007 and at the other end of the scale Kevin Gill's attempt on the Master's Hour Track Record at Newport. More recently the emphasis has been on younger riders with support for Lee Valley Youth CC for racing on the continent, for competitors in the GHS Championship Final and to riders in the BC Training programmes or competing in the National Trophy Cyclocross Series.

So if you would like some help just drop a line at least 6 weeks beforehand to the ECCA General Secretary or Chairman - see the website for address - outlining the cause and likely expenses involved for our consideration.

2023 A.G.M. - Sunday 15th October

The Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Cycling Association took place at the Chelmer CC HQ, Meteor Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2RL starting at 2.30 pm.

The Minutes of the AGM can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link Minutes.

All Proposals for the Agenda or Alterations to the Rules of the Association must be in the hands of the General Secretary, in writing, by:- SATURDAY 16th SEPTEMBER 2023.

The following positions on the Executive Committee will be required to be filled
General Secretary
Awards Secretary
Equipment Secretary

All ECCA Clubs are entitled to four delegates and it is desirable that as many clubs as possible are represented.

The Minutes of the previous AGM and the Rule changes can be seen by downloading a PDF file via these links Minutes. Rule Changes.

The Agenda and Reports can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link Agenda.


It is with great sadness that we have to report that George Shakespeare suffered a heart attack on 2nd November and died in hospital on November 5th.

For many years a member of Shaftesbury CC with his late wife Lily. Life Member of the Association and President from 1997 to 2001, George will be remembered for his involvement in all aspects of cycling and his willingness to help and encourage everybody.

2022 A.G.M. - Sunday 16th October

The Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Cycling Association will take place at the Chelmer CC HQ, Meteor Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2RL starting at 2.30 pm.

The following positions on the Executive Committee will be required to be filled
Awards Secretary
General Secretary
Equipment Secretary

All ECCA Clubs are entitled to four delegates and it is desirable that as many clubs as possible are represented.

The Agenda, Reports and Minutes of the previos AGM can be seen by downloading a PDF file via these links Agenda and Minutes.

VAL HESTER (1932-2022)

It is with great sadness that we have to report the recent passing of Val Hester.

For many years a member of Leo RC with her late husband Bill and more recently with CC Breckland.

Life Member of the Association and President from 2002 to 2006, Val will be remembered for her work as a timekeeper and her many official positions.

2021 A.G.M. - Sunday 26th September

The Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Cycling Association will take place at the Chelmer CC HQ, Meteor Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2RL starting at 3.00 pm.

All Proposals for the Agenda or Alterations to the Rules of the Association must be in the hands of the General Secretary, in writing, by SATURDAY 28th AUGUST 2021.

Hon. General Secretary:
P. J. Beresford, 20 Reydon Avenue, Wanstead, London. E11 2JD.

The following positions on the Executive Committee will be required to be filled
Awards Secretary
General Secretary
Equipment Secretary
Marshalling Secretary

All ECCA Clubs are entitled to four delegates and it is desirable that as many clubs as possible are represented.

The Agenda, Reports and Minutes of the previos AGM can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link.


As the Breckland 100 was cancelled due to a road traffic collision the conditions for the Handicap and Points Competitions have been changed.

The Handicap Competition will be decided on fastest average speed on handicap times over 25 and 50 miles.

The Points Competition will be decided on the Highest Points Total from one at either 12 hours or 50 miles plus the four best points from the 25's or 10's.

As there is no counting 100, the Men's BAR and Veterans' BAR and associated Team Trophies will not be awarded.

Full details are on the Trophy Conditions page.


Due to Covid 19 the ECCA Committee have decided on the following:

  1. The 2020 season long competitions will be abandoned. Also there will be no trophies for any remaining Championship events. Any remaining events that do go ahead will be stand alone events.
    Medals and awards for each individual event will be sent to the recipients at a later date.
  2. Taking the above into consideration the Lunch and Prize Presentation scheduled to take place on 7th February 2021 will be cancelled.
  3. Marshalling. It was felt it would be very difficult to calculate the marshalling duties based on the remaining events. Therefore the 2020 duties will be carried over to 2021, with a suitable adjustment to any clubs that marshal any of the remaining events.
  4. All clubs that have paid their 2020 membership fee will have a free year for 2021 and will remain members until the 2022 membership fee is due without any further payment.
  5. Because of the restrictions imposed by the Government's Coronavirus Guidelines the Executive Committee has decided, under the powers of Rule 11, not to hold an Annual General Meeting this year. Annual Reports will be published later.
  6. 2021 Programme of Events.
    A proposed list of events has been prepared and can be seen by clicking this link - 2021 PROPOSED Programme of Events. Any volunteers as organizer of any of the events will be most welcome and it is worth mentioning that after many years of promoting events Dave Nock is retiring from organizing at the end of this season meaning that his three events need new organizers.


The popular Annual Luncheon and Prize Presentation will take place at 1.00 pm on Sunday 2nd February at the Top Meadow Country House and Golf Club, North Ockendon. The results of all the competitions and details of the Champions are on the Racing page of the website and it is hoped as many trophy winners as possible will be present at the Luncheon. The Association has a magnificent collection of trophies and all these and medals won by club members will be presented.

Now's the time to order your tickets. Cost is only £20 for the 3-course meal. Application form is available via this link to the the 2020 Diary page of the website. Completed forms should be sent to Leonard Gordon and payment can be made by bank transfer or cheque.

ALAN OSBORNE (1932-2019)

It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Alan Osborne of Redbridge CC whom many will remember as an organizer, timekeeper, Chairman and President of the ECCA and especially as organizer of the ECCA Festival.

The funeral took place at West London Crematorium, Kensal Green on Monday 21st October.

The following link "Obituary for Alan Osborne" is to a recollection of Alan's contibution to the Sport of Cycling.

2019 A.G.M. - Sunday 8th September

The Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Cycling Association took place at Chelmer CC HQ, Meteor Way, Chelmsford, CM1 2RL starting at 2.30 pm.

The Minutes of the AGM can be seen by downloading a PDF file via this link.


The time trial world has lost a legend. It is with great sadness that we advise of the passing of Anne Mann on 19th August 2019.

Anne was a key member of the all-conquering Hainault RC's ladies team of the early 80s that took 9 team comp records. Anne will mostly be remembered for her fabulous solo comp record for the 24 hour in 1983 when she covered 438.16 miles bettering the existing record by over 10 miles. Her comp record stood for 10 years.

Anne was still riding her bike just the month before, she would regularly meet up for elevenses and keep everyone in order. Anne will be greatly missed.

Our thoughts go out to Graham and the rest of the family.


It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Bill Thorncroft of Essex Roads CC whom many will remember as an organiser, timekeeper, official and President and committee member of the ECCA. He was admiited into hospital in mid-December and died on Wednesday 23rd January 2019. His funeral was on Thursday 21 February at Bentley Crematorium, Brentwood.

The following link "An Appreciation of Bill Thorncroft" is to a PDF file written by another ECCA President, Dick Spanton, also sadly no longer with us. The document was produced for Bill's 90th birthday and should be seen as such but it really sums up just what Bill achieved in his life.

TERRY ANDERSON (1940 - 2018)

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Past President Terry Anderson on the morning of Monday 19th March 2018. Terry had suffered a severe stroke on Tuesday 13th March and was being kept in an induced coma in Hospital. On Sunday he was taken out of the coma and seemed stable but he died of a heart attack at 4 o'clock the following morning.

Terry had been actively involved in cycling since the age of 16 and had raced every year until 2017 when he took on the role of full-time carer for his wife Hazel. Not only was he involved in racing, Terry took on many administrative roles at club, district and national level and only recently became Treasurer for the ECCA and Events Secretary for CTT London East - his death is a huge loss to cycling and ECCA in particular.

The funeral took place at Chelmsford Crematorium, Writtle, on Thursday 5th April at a ceremony which was attended by over 200 mourners. Afterwards everyone was able to gather at Hylands House, Hylands Park, Chelmsford, to share their memories of a remarkable man and to partake in the wonderful refreshments provided by the family.


Complaints have been received from residents who live near Leaden Roding Village Hall concerning the parking of competitors and spectators' vehicles on the footpath and adjacent grass verges. You are reminded that the Association uses this venue and the one at Aythorpe Roding several times during each year and it is vital that we maintain a good relationship with these residents.


Event Organisers who are unable to make satisfactory Catering arrangements for their event are advised to contact the Booking Secretary of the Headquarters venue they have chosen.

Click here for News from Previous Years.